Why Are Electric Bikes So Expensive? (Are They Overpriced?)

Getting an electric bike at the expense of a conventional bike is a good idea until you check the difference in prices. Of course, an electric bike costs way more, with some models going for over $2,000. So, why are electric bikes so expensive?

Electric bikes are expensive because they require high-end components  such as motors and batteries to function properly. Furthermore, the low market penetration for these bikes reduces application of economies of scale hence sold at top dollar to maintain the business.

why are electric bikes so expensive

Why Are Electric Bikes So Expensive? – Detailed Explanation

You might wonder why you have to pay a whopping $2000 for a bike instead of buying a car. Always keep in mind that for electric bikes, you get what you pay for.

So, choosing to spend more money means you’re giving yourself great value.

Although there exist overly expensive electric models, there are also affordable ones as we will find out later in the post.

But why exactly are electric bikes so expensive? Here are some answers that seek to unravel the mystery.

1. They Come With Additional Parts

Unlike conventional bikes, electric bikes come with inbuilt additional parts such as motors, batteries, and storage spaces.

Surprisingly, these are expensive components that need you to break a sweat to afford this bike.

Remember, you have to consider a bike with a powerful motor to improve the propelling power.

Of course, this requires you to go for a highly-priced bike such as the electric bike.

2. E-bikes Feature Additional Costs

Electric bikes are always incurring additional costs for charging and battery replacement needs.

Though there no fuel charges, you have to pay for their charging depending on the amount of power they consume.

In the long run, the battery might fail you forcing you to incur battery replacement costs. So, you need to be on standby for high-quality battery replacement.

3. They Have Low Sales Volume

Since electric bikes are new entrants to the market, their sales volume is quite low.

Their low demand means that there is no saving cost.

This is because the production doesn’t apply economies of scale to help cut on budget.

As a result of this, electric bikes have to go for higher prices until the demand meets the supply.

Are Electric Bikes Overpriced?

Electric bikes are an expensive option and are mostly considered overpriced.

These bikes come with more associated costs than traditional bikes.

You have to include servicing, battery replacement, tire wear, and charging in their expenses.

Furthermore, electric bikes depend on waterproofing properties to operate effectively.

These features come at an extra cost.

Are Electric Bikes Overpriced

Are Electric Bikes Worth The Money?

Yes, electric bikes are worth the money according to the benefits they offer.

Investing extra bucks on an electric bike is worth it. Through the help of the motor, this bike conquers difficult terrains with maximum ease.

On top of this, e-bikes are way powerful than conventional bikes, thanks to their high-end components.

Combining the use of a battery, a motor, and a control system, e-bikes assure you of a good cycling experience.

It’s, therefore, worthwhile investing more money than usual on an electric bike to reap these benefits.

Why Are Ebikes More Expensive Than Motorbikes?

Compared to motorbikes, Ebikes cost way higher. This is as a result of the high-end components these bikes come with.

For instance, an e-bike requires lightweight batteries that are expensive.

There are also other top-dollar components such as the motor that also influence the higher price attached to these bikes.

Remember, all these parts have to be waterproof, durable, and lightweight. As a result, they must have exaggerated prices.

Additionally, there’s the electronic control system that also costs a bit more.

Unlike motorbikes, e-bikes come with added health benefits when used for exercise.

What Are The Benefits Of Electric Bikes?

E-bikes are different from normal bikes in many ways.

On top of this, they offer way more benefits compared to their counterparts.

So, buying an electric bike is good for you and the environment at large.

As much as the bike offers you transport to work, exercise and adventure, it’s also friendly to the environment.

Find out more benefits of electric bikes below;

  • Electric bikes help to preserve the environment by keeping it clean. Certainly, electric bikes don’t use lead fuel which is dangerous to the environment.

Instead, they use electricity stored in lithium-ion batteries which helps in keeping the environment free from emissions.

  • You can cover long distances while cycling on electric bikes without experiencing wear and tear. This is because these bikes come with comfort and safety features such as adjustable seats.
  • E-bikes promote fitness as you can ride on them to improve your mental and physical wellness. Usually, e-bikes are pedal-assisted, but they still promote fitness with the availability of customized ones for that purpose.
  • Electric bikes are the future of transportation with the adoption of smart technology today. These bikes are a wise choice as they come with technology-enabled features not found in normal bikes.
  • They help to save on energy costs as you don’t fall victim to petrol and diesel fluctuations. Usually, electric bikes use an average of 100 to 150 watts and a full battery can cover 18-50 miles.
  • With electric bikes, you have to say goodbye to painful knees as they come with pedal-assist capability. As a result, you can ride for longer distances with little effort.
Are Cheap E-bikes Worth It

Which Are Some Of The Most Affordable Electric Bikes?

The top-dollar price on electric bikes doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get one.

In contrast, you ought to check the most affordable electric bikes to enjoy the benefits.

You can find budget-friendly e-bikes on Amazon to kick start your cycling journey.

Remember, these bikes come with high-quality features to make sure that the price doesn’t compromise the quality.

Below are some affordable electric bikes you should consider buying;

1. ANAKTO Adult Electricity Bike

This electric bike costs $599, thus, it’s affordable to most cyclists.

It comes equipped with a 36V, 10A Lithium Battery, and a 250W Motor. Both of these must-have components let you enjoy riding.

A NAKTO Adult Electricity Bike has an upgraded leather cushion designed to keep your riding safe.

Additionally, there’s an adjustable seat to give you maximum comfort.

The powder rust-free coating on this outstanding electric bike is suitable for making it last for many days.

2. VIVI Electric Bike

This electric bike goes for $739, making it an affordable choice for cyclists.

Its 350W rear hub motor allows it to propel at faster speeds while overpowering hilly terrains.

The removable 36V 10.4Ah lithium-ion battery has a large enough capacity.

As a result, the bike delivers a smooth riding experience.

VIVI electric bike (View on Amazon) comes equipped with mechanical disc brakes on the rear and front hub to facilitate high stopping power.

These bikes also feature Shimano 21 speed gears and tires with a firm and high grip tread pattern.

So, they are suitable for all types of terrains, including gravel, mountain, snowy, and flat terrains.

3. Heybike Cityscape Electric Bike

This bike goes for $849.99, which is a realistic price for cyclists on a budget.

It features a large capacity 36V, 10Ah battery which facilitates riding for up to 40 miles per charge and powerful pedaling.

A Heybike Cityscape electric bike (View on Amazon) comes with a 350W rear hub motor.

Consequently, it’s able to maintain a 19 mph speed and adequate cycling support.

You’ll also find dual disc brakes and an inbuilt lighting system to keep your riding safe.

What’s A Good Price For An E-bike

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are Cheap E-bikes Worth It?

Yes, cheap e-bikes provide the average benefits an electric bike offers. With about $600, you can purchase a good electric bike. Also, its battery is long-lasting to serve you for some time.

2. What’s A Good Price For An E-bike?

E-bikes cost an average of $600 going up until $8000. However, quality e-bikes have a price range of $1,500-$4,000.

3. What Are The Disadvantages Of Electric Bikes?

Electric bikes are generally expensive to buy and maintain. Their heavyweight contributes to constant repairs which require extra money.

4. How Long Do Ebike Motors Last?

An electric bike motor’s average life is after 10,000 miles coverage. This is the minimum coverage, but some motors can last longer.

Conclusion: ”Why Are Electric Bikes So Expensive?”

If you’re thinking about buying an electric bike, don’t let the high price scare you away. Certainly, the value attached to these bikes should be your driving force.

Instead of dismissing your longing for an electric bike simply because they are expensive, you can choose affordable electric bikes. While these bikes cost an average, they give overall benefits offered by the expensive models.

The choice for electric bikes should also be based on their environmental benefits. There are no emissions as these bikes never use fuel to power up.

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