Is It Legal To Ride A Bike On The Highway? (Explained!)

Some cyclists relish the feeling of cruising down the road, taking in the fresh air and enjoying their surroundings. Highways are broad, straight, and well-maintained, making cycling on them heavenly, but is it legal to ride a bike on the highway?

It’s legal for cyclists to ride their bikes on highways in some countries like Canada and states like New Jersey, Idaho, Wyoming. However, local jurisdictions can restrict access to a particular highway if it is hazardous. Remember, bicycle use won’t be allowed in most interstate highway sections in urban areas.

Before taking a ride down a highway in your state, make sure your state allows it to avoid any problems with the law. In addition, it is paramount to be safe and visible, so put on bright clothing and protection gear like a helmet.

Is It Legal To Ride A Bike On The Highway

Is It Legal To Ride A Bike On The Highway In The United States?

Some states permit riding bikes on state highways but restrict the same in urban areas and other congested locations. For instance, New Jersey allows bikes to use every highway and road cars can use.

Cyclists in some areas may prefer to use freeways like the interstate highway over the narrower, winding, or steep routes in their location.

With bike laws in the United States not being federal, they differ from one state to another. This is why riding on the highway is legal in some and illegal in others; therefore, let’s look at the legality in different states.

1. Can You Ride A Bike On The Highway In Texas?

You can ride your bike on Texas highways. However, the Texas Transportation Commission can prohibit the use of a controlled-access or a limited access highway by a funeral procession, bicycles, parades, electric-bicycles, non-motorized traffics, pedestrians, or motor-driven cycles.

Once the commission passes a rule prohibiting bicycle use on a roadway, it shall erect and maintain the official devices for controlling traffic like signs on the areas where the law applies.

Currently, the General Counsel’s office isn’t aware of the commission adopting the rule in any area.

2. Can You Ride A Bike On The Highway In Illinois?

You can legally ride your bicycle on the Illinois highways. The state grants any cyclists using a highway the same rights granted to motor drivers and subjected to similar duties.

If you are cycling on a one-way highway that has at least two marked traffic lanes, ride closest to the roadway’s edge or left-hand curb.

3. Can You Ride A Bike On The Highway In Wisconsin?

It isn’t illegal to ride a bike on Wisconsin highways, but you need a bicycle with working brakes, providing adequate bike control. You are also subjected to the traffic laws followed by drivers and enjoy similar rights.

Can You Ride A Bike On The Highway In Wisconsin

Can Your Ride A Bike On The Highway in Canada?

Cyclists can use the highways in Canada apart from the designated freeways. The highways without bike restrictions are Highway 3A Nelson and Highway 9 Agassiz- Rosedale. 

On the other hand, some restricted bridges are Annacis Bridge, East Channel Bridge, Knight Street Bridge, Oak Street Bridge, Patullo Bridge, and Lions Gate Bridge. Use the sidewalk when passing across them. 

Is It Legal To Ride A Dirt Bike On The Highway?

It’s illegal to ride dirt bikes on city sidewalks, highways, neighborhoods, or public roads. This is because they are specifically designed for off-road use; hence lack the accessories and equipment required for on-the-road cycling.

Riding a dirt bike on the road will result in consequences like getting a ticket (citation), being fined, or your bike being impounded.

Dirt bike riding is typically legal on your private property, or someone else’s upon asking for permission. Other areas are state trails, off-road riding parks, and motocross tracks. 

Is It Dangerous To Bike On The Highway?

Bike riding on the highway can be dangerous considering that these roadways are used by many people walking, cycling, or driving. Cycling has become riskier in the past years as more people take up bike riding.

However, you can boost your safety and enjoy accident-free rides by adhering to the traffic rules, being mindful of other road users, and staying attentive.

You should also invest in protective gear like a high-quality, durable helmet. In addition, ensure your bike has fully-functioning brakes, back and front reflectors, a bike bell or horn and a head and tail light.

It’s also essential to make certain that you stay visible to other road users at all times. Therefore:

  • Stick to the right lane when riding
  • Put your items in a backpack
  • Choose a comfortable bike that fits you
  • Signal when negotiating a turn or decelerating
  • Keep away from blind spots, especially at stop signs or traffic lights
  • Learn the traffic rules
  • Plan your route well
  • Don’t use your phone while cycling

Moreover, it is paramount to cycle with the traffic flow. This means keeping right or left, depending on your country’s rule.

For instance, you need to keep right in the United States and left in the United Kingdom.

When using a bicycle lane, use the left side so you don’t hit parked vehicles.

Can You Ride A Bike On A State Highway


1. Can You Ride A Bike On A State Highway?

You can cycle on state highways if it’s allowed. While no federal laws prohibit bike riding on freeways, including interstate highways but a state can create rules banning bicycles on freeways.

Most of the states in the west permit bike use on interstate highways except the sections located in urban areas.

2. Can You Bike On The Highway In Ontario?

Bikes are allowed on Ontario highways apart from freeway/ expressway highways. These include the QEW, 400 Series, and other roads with “No Bicycle” signs.

3. Are Bikes Allowed On Highway Philippines?

Bicycles are allowed on Philippine highways. However, cyclists riding on Laguna Lake Highway should use the bike lane to enhance their safety.

4. Is It Illegal To Ride A Bike On The Highway?

It’s illegal to ride bikes in some areas like interstate highways. Some regions can also establish ordinances to prohibit cycling on highways.

5. Can You Ride A Bike On Highway 101?

Cycling on highway 101 is legal, and the road is quite rideable. However, you must beware of heavy traffic, particularly during peak touring seasons.

For the most part, the route has good shoulders, so you can relax and focus on your pedaling rather than overly worrying about being rear-ended. However, that doesn’t mean you can ride recklessly.

To Sum Up, Is It Legal To Ride A Bike On The Highway?

Generally, you are allowed to ride your bicycle on a highway but pay attention to any state or local ordinances and road signs prohibiting it. In addition, you are responsible for your safety, so don’t be careless on the road.

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