Is It Illegal To Ride A Bike With No Hands? (Quick Answer!)

Riding your bike with no hands is an exhilarating skill that most cyclists covet. It can also be quite helpful since it improves your control and balance and lets you remove or add elements while still on your bicycle, but is it illegal to ride a bike with no hands?

Many places, including the United States, are now making riding bikes with no hands illegal, but the legality is decided by specific states. By cycling without holding the handlebars, you risk incurring a fine, ticket, or getting away with a warning if doing so is illegal in your state.

Besides being fun, riding a bicycle with no hands is risky because you could lose control of your bike, causing injuries. This is why this trick is discouraged.

However, if you really want to learn and practice it safely, keep reading this post.

Is It Illegal To Ride A Bike With No Hands UK?

You won’t break any bike or traffic laws by riding your bike with no hands in the United Kingdom’s streets. However, while it’s not illegal, you are better off not doing so to avoid compromising your safety.

Riding a bike hands-free on the streets of the UK can be deemed reckless cycling, particularly if you end up causing the death of or bodily harm to a pedestrian. It is essential to keep this in mind because reckless, careless, inconsiderate, or dangerous bike riding is an offense under the 1988 Road Traffic Act.

The risk of losing bike control is why cycling without holding the handlebars is discouraged in the UK. In fact, the Highway Code recommends keeping hands on the bike’s handlebars at all times unless you need to send a signal to pedestrians, cyclists, or drivers or change gears

Is It Illegal To Ride A Bike With No Hands In The USA?

Bike laws in the United States vary from state to state, and municipalities, towns, and cities may also have specific regulations. This is why riding a bike with no hands is not uniformly legal or illegal across the country.

To fully answer the above question, we’ll need to take a closer look at each state. Therefore, here’s a table showing the states where riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars is legal or illegal.

StateIs It Illegal To Ride A Bike With No Hands?
AlaskaYes, in Anchorage
District Of ColumbiaNo
New HampshireYes
New JerseyYes
New MexicoYes
New YorkNo
North CarolinaNo
North DakotaNo
Rhode IslandNo
South CarolinaYes
South DakotaNo
West VirginiaNo

Can You Ride A Bike With No Hands?

Learning how to ride a bicycle is an exciting time in a kid’s life, and it gets more thrilling when you master different tricks and show them off to your friends. One such impressive trick is riding with no hands.

Actually, it was a fun rite of passage for most of us. If you can still remember it and wish to execute it, make sure you confirm its legality in your state and practice safety.

Additionally, it isn’t too late to learn if interested. I will walk you through the steps and provide valuable tips to make the learning process more manageable.

Can You Ride A Bike With No Hands

Why Is It Dangerous To Ride A Bike With No Hands?

We all know that handlebars do the vital job of keeping you in control of your bicycle, ensuring you steer in the right direction. These components are only as effective if you control them with your hands.

Therefore, eliminating your hands from this equation by riding your bicycle with no hands makes you susceptible to some problems. This type of bike riding is dangerous because it puts you at risk of the following:

1. Crashing

 You need both hands to efficiently and thoroughly control your bicycle; hence riding without hands is risky. It can lead to you crashing on people, vehicles, poles, trees, among other things, and potentially cause bodily injuries or damages to properties.

If you must ride with no hands, avoid busy roads, paths, or trails with many people and hazardous objects. In addition, put on protective gear and don’t push yourself too hard.

2. Falling

Besides crashing into people or obstacles, you could also lose your balance and fall if you hit things on the road, such as rocks and fallen tree branches. This is a substantial risk when riding your bike with no hands because doing so takes away some of your control over the bicycle.

3. Bicycle Damage

Other than hurting yourself or others, crashing your bike as a result of not holding the handlebars can damage it. Your riding speed will dictate the extent of the damage.

4. Injuries

Crashing or falling off your bicycle can result in minor injuries, such as skin bruises or significant injuries like broken bones. You can minimize the impact on your body by wearing a helmet or protection pads every time you ride your bicycle.

The Benefits Of Cycling With No Hands

When you take away the risks involved, riding a bicycle with no hands offers excellent benefits.

1. It Builds Confidence

Since you lose some control when you ride a bike without holding the handlebars, being able to execute it flawlessly takes confidence. Furthermore, mastering the skill isn’t easy, and it is time-consuming.

If you can ride your bicycle successfully without having to hold the handlebars, it makes a confident cyclist. It also gives you the courage to try other stunts and explore more challenging terrains.

2. Stunt Riding

Riding a bicycle without hands is in itself a stunt and thrilling one to learn and perform. Executing it will capture the attention of bystanders and your friends.

3. It Lets You Do Other Things While Riding

Sometimes you don’t have time to stop to take a drink, put on your jacket, or take it off while cycling. You can quickly solve this problem if you can ride without your hands.

Doing so prevents time wastage when commuting or racing.

Is It Illegal To Ride A Bike With No Hands

How Do You Ride A Bike With No Hands?

The following basics of riding a bike with no hand will aid your learning process. Therefore, let’s explore these fundamentals first before outlining the steps.  


As discussed earlier, the level of control you have over your bicycle lowers if you remove your hands from the handlebars while cycling. If you don’t find a solution to this issue when cycling with no hands, you may cause injuries and damages.

Fortunately, you can counteract this effect by focusing your hip movements towards where you want the bike to go. In addition, stay attentive so that you can swiftly react if a situation that requires having one or both hands on the handlebars arises.

2. Ample Space Needed

Avoid practicing how to ride your bike with no hands for the safety of other road users and yours. You risk hitting someone, an animal, or obstacles if you do it in an area with traffic.

Therefore, locate an empty, open space to practice, ensuring you can move sideways comfortably and aren’t at risk of causing an accident.

It is vital to keep off high-traffic roads, trails, or areas when you are a beginner. Once you become proficient, you can cycle without hands, among other cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians.

3. Be Relaxed And Calm

Having jitters can be detrimental to the successful execution of this stunt. It would be best to stay relaxed and calm because it will help you pay attention to what is in front of you, steer the bike correctly, and maintain your balance.

Part of the work also involves gaining speed, meaning intense pedaling to maintain momentum and balance.

How To Ride A Bike With No Hands (Steps By Step Guide)

Don’t rush to learn; instead, go with your pace and follow these steps.

1. Find The Proper Seating Position

Weight distribution is critical, so assume a comfortable, upright sitting position and distribute your weight evenly on each wheel. Juggle your body weight between the bike’s saddle and pedals to maintain a low center of gravity low and balance.

Furthermore, direct your body to the bicycle’s further back by tilting back your pelvis.

2. Engage Your Core

Your core will help you keep your balance while lifting your hands off the handlebars, so engage it. You can use your hips and core to dictate your bike’s direction, and doing so will get easier once you get the hang of riding your bicycle with no hands.

3. Focus Ahead

You may be tempted to look at your hands when riding but strive always to look ahead. Keeping your eyes glued on your hands or the ground will make you lose balance and prevent you from seeing road bumps, dips, or obstacles.

4. Pedal Fast

Your balance and stability will come from maintaining momentum, so pedal intensely to gain speed. Prioritize higher gears when accelerating because they provide resistance.  

5. Keep One Hand On The Handlebar First

Don’t simultaneously drop both hands from the handlebar; instead, ease into it by starting with one. Attempt taking a drink, a feed, or other simple activities while riding with one hand for a while.

Once you are comfortable and confident enough with your execution, let of both hands, but keep them close.

6. Pedal Smoothly

With both hands free, pedal smoothly and keep your legs moving in virtual circles to strengthen your control and stability. Begin the stunt by riding straight, then turn by leaning sideways only once you gain sufficient confidence.

For a successful turn, you will need to move your lower body towards the turn. In addition, keep an upright upper body posture and the knees pointing towards your intended destination.  

Why Can’t I Ride My Bike With No Hands


1. Is It Illegal To Ride A Bike Without Hands In Louisiana?

It is against the state laws to ride a bicycle with no hands in Louisiana.

2. Is It Illegal In The United Kingdom To Ride A Bicycle With No Hands On The Streets?

No law prohibits riding a bike with no hands in the streets of the United Kingdom. However, you are advised not to do so because it’s dangerous, especially on busy roads.

3. Why Can’t I Ride My Bike With No Hands?

Many people can’t ride their bikes with no hands generally because doing so is tasking. When you look at the reasons critically, you realize that you can’t execute because you aren’t pedaling hard enough, making the bike less stable and slow.

Furthermore, your sitting position isn’t upright, or your balance is compromised due to uneven weight distribution on the bike’s wheels.

4. Can You Ride Any Bike With No Hands?

You are free to ride and control your bicycle with no hands, given that you can execute it, and doing so is permitted in your state or country.

5. How Do I Ride A Bicycle Without Using My Hands?

In order to cycle without having your hands on the handlebars, you must find a comfortable sitting position where you can sit in an upright position. You must also make sure your weight spreads throughout the bicycle evenly.

Pedal fast to produce speed that will accelerate the bike after completing the initial steps. Afterward, keep one hand on the handlebar and then take it off only when your feel bold and prepared to ride without hands on the handlebar.

To Summarize, Is It Illegal To Ride A Bike With No Hands?

With the laws on the legality of cycling with no hands varying in different locations, it is better to assume doing so is illegal if you can’t find concrete information about your area.

For beginners, mastering the skill demands patience and regular practice.  

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